
Thursday, 16 June 2011

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial - Supernatural Power (一阳指)

Tutorial written by William Lee Chyuan Chuan
Step 1: Open "Body.jpg" in Adobe Photoshop.

Step 2: New a layer (Layer 1) and draw a black rectangle with white cross.

Step 3: Go to Filter> Distort> Twirl (follow setting below).

Step 4: Go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur (follow setting below).

Step 5: Add Color. Go to Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation (follow setting below).

 Step 6: Change layer's blending mode to screen.

Step 7: Go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur (follow setting below).

Step 8: To improve color saturation.  Go to Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation (follow setting below).

Step 9: New a layer (Layer 2) and draw a black rectangle.

Step 10: Go to Filter> Noise> Add Noise (follow setting below).

Step 11: Go to Filter> Blur> Radial Blur (follow setting below).

 Step 12: Add Color. Go to Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation (follow setting below).

Step 13: Change layer's blending mode to screen.

Step 14: Ctrl+T to resize and position it to the finger.

Step 15: Final Outcome.


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